Vladimir Solovyov is one of Putin's chief propagandists.
Back in 2008 he sang a different and more sensible tune.
As many Russian analysts have recognised, the Ortho-con policies of Putin have pushed the Ukrainians away from the Russians. Had Putin simply followed the the ideas expressed by Solovyov in 2008, he--and Russia--would he would be in a much stronger position than now.
It even gets weirder than this. Here's a link to Solovyov and Zelensky singing together on Russian TV in 2013.
Bonus: For Comrade Vatnik who likes to populate my comments thread with vulgarities. It appears that Solovyov is a bit of a fan of Mussolini.
Russia's war against Nazism in Ukraine is in safe hands!
You can't make this stuff up. This really is Clown World.
The only thing that matters is the post 2014 world which shows you hide what the real truth is. Just like the rest of the globohomo enablers. Wonder how the unicorn brigade in ukraine is doing? Flying the banner of the new western Sacramento no doubt.
@ Comrade Vatnik
Flying the banner of the new western Sacramento no doubt.
I'm increasingly convinced that the replies are from a poorly programmed AI bot.
I'm increasingly convinced you are a poorly informed physician and historian. Sucking the tit of the globohomo degenerate and letting your profession be controlled by an evil government to let your freedoms stripped and let your citizens die. Ignoring 2014 coup of your butt buddies in London and brussels and caused the war. At least you got to support nazis in your fight against imaginary communsists.
You cant argue the points all cause you cannot argue without pro globohomo media flagship rags that you trust stupidly.
Unfortunately this blog can no longer be classified as dissident right. It can barely even be classified as right anymore. When you agree with Jonah Goldberg and David French more then any dissident, you've lost the plot. We could get most of these neocon talking points from the Bulwark. You're trying to put a "True Christian" spin on the talking points the neocons put out, but at this point, the dissident right has been so trained at seeing through propaganda that your Russia Russia posts are falling flat.
You can leave if you want to. I'm not looking to please my audience, I'm calling it as I see it.
I don't like the Neo-Cons but I don't like the Orthocons either.
Whatever the hell an orthocon is. You cite bs sources and liars to justify your point. You still justify the Australian tyranny and worship globohomo even if you try to deny it. You downplay the assault on Christianity and promotion of outright degenerate lifestyles by the entire current western establishment. You are still enthralled by communist bs out of an entity that doesn't exist anymore. You deny the 2014 western started war in ukraine. You side with the enemies of the right and dissidents in favor of globohomo. You're not a man of the right but an auxiliary establishment lackey at this point.
By previous comments, not posts, he's proven to be a fan of tyranny just his brand of tyranny. The kind involving lockdowns and bearings because if you don't you'll kill grandma or some other propagandists whoreshit. Remember to seek out a true doctor because Australian doctors don't act outside of what the government tells him. He's ok with that kind of tyranny if it emanates out of NY times, DC post, or one of the authoritarian capitals. Also, remember,, if you call him out, the best retorts he has are comrade, putin apologist or something about ivermectin.
Simply not true. You are pushing the same points as the neocons, just trying to put a Christian spin on things. The term "Orthocons" is apparently something you've had to make up because you realize you are carrying water for the neocons and are trying to deflect from that.
And yet you say nothing about China. Curious!
Agree that Putin is shite! Make decision to kill fellow slavs like genocide maniac. He deserve worse punishment possible!
With all the Dostoyevsky writings about how Rome sold out to Satan in "Temptation on Mountain" style deal, it is modern Orthodox that seem to support expansion of temporal empire, using mercenaries and Muslim to kill other Orthodox Christians. There is no other justification. Russian Orthodoxy is just thin veneer over Russian nationalism
Projection isn't a good look. You've just described the globohomo empire. Using idiot polish and other nato mercenaries to pursue the dreams of global totalitarianism. Brussels, dc and london and their followers are aggressive amoral creatures.
Since Ukraine was joining or in the process of joining NATO. And the Nazi's took over the Ukrainian Gov and have been waging war on the Russian ethnic group in Donbass.
Its inevitable.
Anyway I think you aren't checking out those alternative sources:
Gonzalo Lira on YouTube, The Duran and Russians with attitude.
Voxday is also another blog you should check out.
I hope you trust I'm not a bot.
I really don't understand Russia boosterism from the American Right either, unless it comes purely from a place of spite. They see themselves as disenfranchised victims who can't do anything for themselves, so they place their hope in any geopolitical force that can give Biden and the Democrats a black eye.
You're not a bot.
so they place their hope in any geopolitical force that can give Biden and the Democrats a black eye.
Yep, I think there's a lot to that. But I also think that Putin has cleverly spun his PR campaign in such a way as to paint himself as a "pro Christian" politician, especially when it comes to issues of sexual degeneracy. And to be fair, he is definitely against some aspects of the western liberal agenda. But the scope of Christian morality extends well past--and including--sexual ethics. The sad fact is that that a lot of the "right" will turn a blind eye to murder, theft, fraud, lying, etc., as long as the murderer is anti-gay and "pro family". A lot of the ongoing admiration for the Nazi's come's from the same mindset.
And note, a lot of the people who support him are good "simple people" who just want to rid themselves, and their families from the continual imposition of degeneracy on their lives, not realising the pact they're making with the devil until it is too late. Unfortunately very few people are "deep" and "farsighted", hence the appeal to strongmen politicians.
Russia is a deeply dysfunctional country by any TRADITIONAL western standards and the cheerleeding for Russia illustrates just how out of touch many "conservatives" are with their own heritage. But that's the price of democratic politics, the cognitive miser reigns supreme.
Thanks for commenting.
Better than the dumbass pact with covidian tyranny emanating from the commonwealth, eu and blue state halls. Looks like that tyrannical Ukrainian bitch out of Canada will get a chance to lead the rest of the tyrannical nato shits in their rainbow mask filled glory. How is it going down under after selling your fake country to pfizer? And this is the supposed Christian west? In America, women voting for dems to keep the right to kill your child in utero? Between the covid horseshit and the elevation of non-reproductive fucking to a holy sacrament, there is no Christian or moral west in any capacity, especially out of commonwealth, eu or lefty capitals.
This isn't specifically about the war, but it has the same ideas of the people you oppose. Is any of this convincing at all about the evil the West has fallen into?
The West is now composed of two parts. An expanding degenerate portion and and a remnant portion which seeks its renewal. The degenerate portion explicitly rejects the West's foundational principles and seeks to undermine it.
I am opposed to it as you are.
Western Christianity, which was the foundation of the West is opposed to more than just sodomy. And while the West at the moment sinks into a sexual morass, the East glorifies in the crimes of power: murder, intimidation lying etc.
The "traditional West" is being screwed from both sides.
Thirdwayism is a very tempting compromise for a certain personality type, and this is what you are advocating.
Here's the thing: your argument is that if you support Putin in his resistance to the Western acceptance of globohomo, you are supporting murder, intimidation, lying, etc., but you fail to recognize that the same argument can be applied to you: if you support the GAE against Putin, you are supporting sodomy, pedophilia, abortion, AND murder, intimidation and lying. The same arguments apply to you. If you want to be persuasive at all to men like me, instead of pointing fingers, you're going to have to deal with your blind spots.
A lot of moral corruption can be hidden under a veneer of sexual purity.
A lot of moral corruption can be hidden under a veneer of moral superiority of every type. You are claiming that both sides are have inferior judgment to your side, the "true Christian inheritor of western civilization" side, and I'm here to tell you that a lot of moral corruption can be hidden there too.
Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. I prefer those who are more honest about their faults.
You are claiming that both sides are have inferior judgment to your side,
The fact that you are unwilling to deal with your lapses in judgment, though they have been repeatedly pointed out, means your side is the least trustworthy one in this argument. You aren't examining your priors, and you aren't honest about who you are backing. You keep trying to back Ukraine without owning what that means. Its sad to watch.
Russia right now has its own problems but it appears to be on the trajectory of improvement. But I wouldn't want the GAE to succeed in this case.
Since they have pushed NATO into Ukraine itself after the 2014 coup that got the Nazi's into power with a fake leader Zelensky.
If Russia loses. It will be subversion of Russia into an even worse state like every client state of the GAE.
Every day proves that the Russians opposing the anti Christian forces of clownworld are on the right side
Who again are the anti-Christians?
@ Sean
You can't pretend any longer to be the pro-Christian, center right voice of reason.
The blinders are off now.
You are squarely on the side of "play the piano with sex organ" Zelensky, in banning the Orthodox Christian church in Ukraine.
You own your position.
Good assessment! Thanks for your sanity in the bleak wasteland of feeble minds.
Out of respect and not wanting to poke I'll place this here and not in the Merry Christmas post. Russian "propaganda" video with Santa Putin.
Thanks Bruce.
I think it's very witty video and good example of the way propaganda should be done. Reading though the comments of the Daily Mail, it appears that while most people don't like him the also don't like the woke brigade.
Putin's anti-woke dimension is one of his admirable features but we need to remember that it is occurring within a Russo-Orthocon philosophical position, where the interests of the Russian state trump all. The Nazi's were also very anti-woke and did some really good propaganda but that was only one aspect of their ideology, it's the other stuff that's troublesome.
This is the tragedy of Putin's attack on Ukraine. Had he pushed the anti woke narrative, supported anti woke forces around the world, encourage the peaceful integration of Ukraine into Russia though economic ties, he'd have a much stronger hand now. The smart Russian conservatives realise this as well.
Have a Merry Christmas.
"This is the tragedy of Putin's attack on Ukraine. Had he pushed the anti woke narrative, supported anti woke forces around the world, encourage the peaceful integration of Ukraine into Russia though economic ties, he'd have a much stronger hand now. The smart Russian conservatives realise this as well."
Rod Dreher-tier take. It's completely delusional to suggest that the Global American Empire would have allowed Russia to peacefully integrate Ukraine into Russia in any way, economic or otherwise.
The lines become clearer by the day:
We often find interesting things from the comments column. Either positive, negative comments, even comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the content itself which is usually in the form of advertisements for goods or services or memes. https://bit.ly/EunoiamediaID
Hey asshole, haven't posted in a while. Is it because your whoreshit Ukraine has fallen to pieces or your covid bullsit? Either way, good thing most real men in the US voted for Trump and didn't pay attention to European and commonwealth assholes.
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