Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Hillary thinks I'm Alt-Right, Stormfornt and Vox think I'm a cuck

For this author, the response by most of the Alt-Right to Hillary's speech was one of naivete. Back in the "Old Days" of the Soviet Union, when Uncle Joe singled out an enemy, the astute recognised that that that person was about to receive a world of hurt. Looked in that context, Hillary's speech, if it really did represent the position of Communist Democratic Party of the United States, was pretty much both a declaration of war against the Alt-Right and public recognition that the GOP are it's "house pet".  Both parties agree that the Alt-Right is their common enemy and they are now, for all practical purposes ideologically indistinct.

Both parties are have shown that they are committed to the managerial state and its existence, and as the purpose of the managerial state is to fix "problems" for the common good, what Hillary (and the GOP) did is identify the Alt-Right as a "problem" and thereby declared war on it. What this means is, that should Trump not win,  in the next few years the state apparatus will be orientated towards the suppression and destruction of the Alt-Right. I also need to add that I'm not convinced that Trump is all that "Alt-Right" either, I hope I'm wrong, but any victory of his will simply be a stay of execution, till the political cycle restores the Democrats, unless there is a fundamental shift in the political culture of the U.S.

Personally, I would have preferred the public denunciation of the Alt-Right to have occurred in the future,  as this would have given more time for the ideas of the Alt-Right to have gained "cultural penetrance" but the enemy is not stupid and recognises that he is losing the war for the hearts and minds of the body politic and has to act now.

I hope I'm wrong, but by the time this is over I imagine that there will be persecutions against the Alt-Right done withing the Anglo-Saxon tradition. What this means is that whilst there won't be the Gulags in Alaska, people will lose their jobs, have their careers wrecked, be politically disenfranchised, economically crushed, publicly ridiculed and with the state turning a blind eye to their abuse by "socially just" criminal elements with the occasional lynching.

The people whom the Left will go after will be the people they consider Alt-Right and I think this is an important distinction which many of the Alt-Right fail to understand. The Left's definition of the Alt-Right includes everyone who is "right" of the GOP and is not a libertarian. That includes traditionalist Christians, Nazi's, NRx, nationalists etc. Everyone who's not with the program. This definition suits the Left, since by mixing Nazi's with Christians it conflates them in the minds of the sheeple, and it can punish one with the sins of the other, all with public approval.  It's a political tactic designed to conflate and by the Left's definition I fall into the Alt-Right.

Within the non-approved Left however, the alt-Right has a specific meaning which has developed over the last year or so. The stormfront-esqe entryist hordes have shifted its real world meaning to mean something akin to "soft Nazism" with an emphasis on; anti-Christianity, genetic Calvinism, blood and soil politics, Judaic obsession and mass-man political theory. From this perspective I'm explicitly NOT of the Alt-Right. These guys, have as their "tradition", the rejection of pre-Modernist European culture and the embrace of Right-Modernism. Anybody who wants to see how eerily similar the past was to the present should google up the political philosophy of Charles Maurras. His ideology was a dead end.

The "Right" I belong to is incompatible with the Alt-Right, primarily because it's anti-Christian and ultimately Modernist in foundation,therefore by its definition I'm a cuck. But it won't really matter. When Hillary sends in her Soros-troopers we're going down together.


Anonymous said...

Gosh, everyone is just so stupid except for you, right?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great post, Slumlord. Let no one make you believe any differently.

Unknown said...

I've been called a cuck too, and always by the ignorant, possibly stupid.

kurt9 said...

Vox Day is a piece of work and I'll leave it at that. The alt-right is much more than him.

The alt-right has its flaws (doesn't everything?). But it is FAR better alternative than both the liberal-left as well as the go with the flow, loyal opposition GOP we've hand in the U.S. since the beginning of George Herbert Walker Bush's administration in 1989.

Unknown said...

Alt-Right is Bullshit. The GOP isn't the Right, they're the controlled opposition. Theodore Beale, Jared Taylor and Milo are all deluded. Their Big Tent Alt-Right will soon be full of RINOs and Judases like the old lame GOP was, and that's what Granny and her courtiers are counting on. They want all the opposition to unite under one lame label like the TEA Party so they can have a globalist Billionaire co-opt it. Just for the record, Modernism is Bullshit too. Its plastic crap and hideous art with profanity as protected speech and non-compliance as Hate. I'm National Socialist. The enemy won't touch that with a nine-foot long black dildo.

JC Huff said...

I have a dissenting viewpoint on this. Hillary's speech was carefully targeted at women and moderate republicans to portray Trump as extreme. The Alt-Right together with Alex Jones and Vladimir Putin united in an evil triumvirate of racist hate that has consumed the GOP. I don't think the message hit its mark if recent polling is any indication, but it shines a light in prime time a movement centered on white identity politics to tens of millions of disaffected Americans. Joe Bob in Muncie probably had never heard of this Alt-Right before Hillary brought it up, but now he's probably perusing VDARE, Radix, or maybe Stormfront and nodding his head. Sure the left will try to go after figureheads if She gets elected. But, what can they do? Richard Spencer, Peter Brimelow, and the like have been cast off by people like Pat Buchanan that the "Respectible Conservative Media" cast off twenty years ago. Sure they can have the IRS audit Jared Taylor every year (they probably do anyway). But, how do they go after the foot soldiers already of the movement shrouded in anonymity and the millions it is likely to attract between now and then?

The Social Pathologist said...


Depends what you mean by the Alt-Right. I think Spencer, his mates and their ideology have effectively claimed the title of the Alt-Right. They're modernists dressed in Right wing Garb and I think their ultimately hostile to anyone who doesn't join their bandwagon.

If, on the other hand, you regard the Alt-Right as meaning the dissident Right, well then yes, it's far better than mainstream conservatism.


For you:

@JC Huff

Thanks for dropping by and the considered comments. Yes it was that, but it was also the identification of a "problem" which needs to be fixed. The strong leftward shift of the Democrats has reinforced the tendency of the Left for both permanent revolution and class enemies. She pretty much put a target on the Alt-Right, this I imagine will have the effect of motivating her supporters to come out more strongly for her cause. The fact that quasi government institutions like Facebook, Twitter, the media etc, have started censoring the right is a portent for the future.

But, how do they go after the foot soldiers already of the movement shrouded in anonymity and the millions it is likely to attract between now and then?

Don't have to get them all. Pick a few, make them high profile, and the rest know the score.

@Anon and Bob Wallace


JC Huff said...

The left is good at personal targeting that's for sure. If you publicly break ranks on anything to do with race or sexual orientation; bad things happen to your career. In the United States our "hate speech" laws are off the books. Hence the rise of Donald Trump. I think the purge you speak of will be proclaimed against the "Alt-Right" but actually carried out against the average Trump Supporter, who isn't necessarily into the whole "Nazi Troll" thing. The Republican leadership will be all to happy to go along. I sense something different this time around though. Whatever the outcome of the election; I imagine it will be decided by less than five percent of the population. So either way; there are going to be large numbers of really pissed off people. To boot; we have 94,000,000 people out of the work force, and many more underemployed. Large numbers of disaffected people + mass unemployment + lots of guns is not going to end well. Thanks for the great content; I'm really enjoying the site.

Son of Brock Landers said...

Good post. Hillary targeting the altright was a waste of time as its a tiny corner of the public sphere and of little consequence. I use the term dissident right, which applies better since Spencer's specific AltRight is one without goals and without direction.

The Social Pathologist said...

@ JC Huff

I think the purge you speak of will be proclaimed against the "Alt-Right" but actually carried out against the average Trump Supporter, who isn't necessarily into the whole "Nazi Troll" thing. The Republican leadership will be all to happy to go along

I agree.

So either way; there are going to be large numbers of really pissed off people. To boot; we have 94,000,000 people out of the work force, and many more underemployed

I think the U.S. is a powder keg. My great worry is should the U.S. implode, then China, India and other regional powers will try to assert themselves. Furthermore, the financial system is a total mess. There is a potential for a hell of a lot of misery to come.

BTW, thanks.


I like Dissident Right better. Spencer has a goal, i.e whiteopia, though he short on the details, which bothers me. Way too much "ironical" Nazi imagery for my liking. Furthermore, I get the impression that he is anti-Christian. That never ends well for the Jesus people.

kurt9 said...

A couple more questions:

What is meant by the expression "modernity"?

Certain factions of the right often discuss something called "virtue". I assume this is a catch all expression for personality traits such as future time orientation, impulse control, delayed gratification, work ethic, and conscientiousness. I believe the term that is used in psychology to describe these traits is "executive function". Is it then reasonable to say that executive function is the modern term for virtue.

Eduardo the Magnificent said...

Vox is a mixed-race living in a country not of his ancestry. He'd be one of the first people to go if Italy ever adopted any of his racial purity beliefs. Sometimes I wonder if he trolls his ilk for fun.

MK said...

Huff, Large numbers of disaffected people + mass unemployment + lots of guns is not going to end well.

America is too well fed. The Arab Spring & US 1960s involved high food prices and large young populations. The US has neither. I used to worry pre-Trump, but now it seems it will be political not revolutionary.

Think about it: in 1970, US Hispanics were 10 million. Today, 55 million. By 2060 Hispanics will be more than half of whites! US whites have been displaced, we've already missed our revolution window. We will go with a whimper, not a bang. Think drugs and entertainment. Many, even most, US white men will see advantages in this new "Enjoy the Decline" era.

SP, Furthermore, the financial system is a total mess.

Not for the US, who sits in the catbird seat. The US has every economic advantage: reserve currency (most $ overseas and can inflate at will), most gold, largest economy, largest military, most oil, most food. If trade barriers go up, the average US worker will actually benefit. War? Same thing. But the status quo is pretty plush for the US too - millions of Chinese working for $8/day to make us things, food so cheap it practically free, welfare, social programs, lots of entertainment.

No, I'm thinking it's a whimper, not a bang.

The Social Pathologist said...


By Modernity, I mean the prevailing world view which primarily rejects the existence of God and secondarily assumes that human nature is infinitely malleable.

Certain factions of the right often discuss something called "virtue". I assume this is a catch all expression for personality traits such as future time orientation......

No, the concept of virtue is a moral concept and is intimately tied with the concept of good, and acting appropriately to achieve that end. "Executive function" is morally neutral and more a psychological concept directed towards achieving your goals regardless of their moral character.

The Social Pathologist said...


I hope you're right and I'm wrong.

MK said...

SP, I'd rather go out fighting than whimpering (for my kid's sake). As Vox says: Immigration and diversity are the big guns of the Left and without them, they cannot win.

Well, unless something changes fast, they won. But US Christians should have no complaints; it's been a great run. St. Ogilvie, pray for us.

kurt9 said...

No, the concept of virtue is a moral concept and is intimately tied with the concept of good, and acting appropriately to achieve that end.

In other words, virtue as a definition does not exist for atheistic/agnostic types. Is this correct?

"Executive function" is morally neutral and more a psychological concept directed towards achieving your goals regardless of their moral character.

Does not conscientiousness define moral behavior? Conscientiousness is considered a part of executive function.

kurt9 said...

No, the concept of virtue is a moral concept and is intimately tied with the concept of good, and acting appropriately to achieve that end.

Is not the concept of good included in the definition of conscientiousness?

The Social Pathologist said...

Does not conscientiousness define moral behavior? Conscientiousness is considered a part of executive function.

The man who tends the ovens diligently and conscientiously in Auschwitz is not being virtuous. Lots of Nazi's and Socialists killed thinking that they did it with God's blessing.

In other words, virtue as a definition does not exist for atheistic/agnostic types. Is this correct?

Atheists and Agnositcs can be virtuous insofar as their actions are objectively good. A Stalinist who rescues his comrade under fire is being virtuous, the same Stalinist storming a Christian position under withering fire to kill them because they are Christians is not.

Robert What? said...

People keep referring to the Alt-Right as anti Christian. It's not like I have done extensive reading, but I've never come across anything that gave me that impression.

The Social Pathologist said...


Depends what you mean by Alt-Right. The Stormfront Alt-Right is profoundly anti Christian as are the the Genetic Calvinists to a less explicit degree. Read a bit more.

Clear Waters said...

All of the backbiting in the AltRight irks me to a large degree. I just find most of it unnecessary, and much of it is status signalling, but I guess I can divorce myself from the branigan because I'm not American, and there does seem to be a divide between the American dissident right, and that which exists outside America.

I'm of the opinion that the zeitgeist will wither away post-Trump, but that we will have been made stronger due to this era. I don't see the progs as having the firm enough standing to engage in persecutions of the kind you imagine. Economic and geopolitical realities are going to catch up with them.

(As a side note, I actually admire Maurass. He was by no means perfect, but he did want to restore the French crown and the Church's position in society)

Ingemar said...

>All of the backbiting in the AltRight irks me to a large degree. I just find most of it unnecessary, and much of it is status signalling

When Vox Day, a not-leader/not-joiner of the Alt-Right unilaterally declares war on all nonwhites, at least some people are going to take issue with it. I did.

>I'm of the opinion that the zeitgeist will wither away post-Trump

I'm the opposite. I predict a Trump win, but in substance he will be no better than any RINO that preceded him. The only difference is that he's better at marketing himself and energizing the aggrieved white base. In a sense he's the white mirror image of a black demagogue politician who will get back at the rest of America for keeping his people down.

The Social Pathologist said...


Some of it may be status signalling but it isn't from my part. Any restoration of Conservatism has to escape the Modernist trap. Btw, Maurrass ended up being condemned by the Church.


Trump reminds me a lot of a local politician who got things "moving" after a period of really poor left governance. The only problem was that he dealt with things superficially and not "in depth". The Leftists became institutionally entrenched during his reign.

Clear Waters said...

I agree with that sentiment, and believe me I do not like a hell of a lot of what goes on with altright 'personalities'.

Although I think the Church was wrong to condemn Maurass, simply because he himself was not a religious man (until his deathbed). He did endorse Reactionary ideas. Moreso than someone like Ante Pavelic who was supported.

Anonymous said...

Ingemar said...
>When Vox Day, a not-leader/not-joiner of the Alt-Right unilaterally declares war on all nonwhites, at least some people are going to take issue with it. I did.

I don't think you read that article correctly (more than likely intentionally!). It was descriptive not prescriptive.

SP - Why the vitriol (perhaps too strong a word, but regardless) against Vox Day? If there is anyone in the Alt Right more vigorous in encouraging a Christian ethos as a requirement for a successful movement then I'm not aware of them.