Saturday, November 24, 2012

I'm calling it Koreogamy.

As mentioned in my previous post, there really is no convenient term to describe object of male desire. Considering the suggestions made in the previous post, I've decided that Elusive Wapiti's suggestion is the most appropriate.  Hence, Koreogamy will be term I'll use to describe the quiddity of male sexual desire.  Kore being Ancient Greek for maiden (Young woman). If anyone has any objections speak up. Perhaps the Dark Lord will confer his blessing on the term.

Thanks to EW for the suggestion. BTW, he has a good essay on the topic over at The Spearhead.


Koanic said...

Neonagamy strikes closer to their harpy hearts. Neonate, neotony.

Anonymous said...

Guys, please, since you introduce the term — all existing terms of the ~gamy sort, monogamy, polygamy, bigamy, polyandry and strictly speaking even hypergamy refer to behaviors and not to traits. People are quite confused as it is. For consistency's sake koreogamy and hypergamy ought to refer to the respective behaviors too.

Rum said...

A Trad-Con notices that mens maximum attraction is to females with maximum reserves of fertility and good health and then expects a prize of some sort. Who ever thought it was otherwise? Oh, there have been attempts to shame men into wanting fat chicks; for a while back in the 70s and eighties there were lies promulgated to the effect that fattness equalled fertilty and robust good health. Nowadays, few bother even to pretend to object to the innate biological reasonableness of mens instincts.
But if the notion that women lust most hottly for the type of guy most likely to deny them long term, material support for the raising of her children, even though it is a hard biological fact that she is going to need support - it tends to make them squirm. Because the resulting picture is that female sexual instincts are in fact counter to biological fact if monogamy is the subject on offer.
Female instincts in a world of dependency on men is to cuckhold. Money Shot sex with one man, nest building with another. It is the feature, not a bug.
Is this instinct more destructive of family/society than men preferring young hotties? Probably. Because human society has spent vastly more effort to hide the truth of the former than the latter..

Elusive Wapiti said...

Thanks for the mention SP, and for the link to my humble scribbling over at SH.

Who is the "Dark Lord"?

The Social Pathologist said...

Who is the "Dark Lord"?


The Social Pathologist said...

Who is the "Dark Lord"?


modernguy said...

As has been mentioned before, the "quiddity" of male sexual desire is not "koreogamy", it's polygamy or polygyny. The saying, "for every beautiful woman there is a guy tired of banging her" is well known.

Furthermore, no is under the mistaken impression that men wouldn't prefer younger, more physically attractive women to older, less physically attractive ones. There is no reason to highlight that fact with a new term for it.

What are you after here?

Anonymous said...
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The Social Pathologist said...


Polygyny and polygamy refer to numbers not type. Sure, men want a copious supply of women, but the ideal is not any type of woman but a particular type. There seems to be no word to describe the type of woman the average man desires.

And the important point here is the average man. There are always outliers who will prefer some variant. But just because some men prefer older women, and others prefer fatties, does not mean that all men do. The aim is to try and understand the mean.

modernguy said...

Uh, there is a word, the word is hot. Guys want hot girls, it's not much of a secret. said...

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mdavid said...

modernguy, Uh, there is a word, the word is hot. Guys want hot girls, it's not much of a secret.

Not the same thing that SP is talking about. Women have other traits besides hotness that men desire and find attractive as uniquely female: gentleness, grace of movement, feminine charm, and feminine caring are some independent of "hotness". I've met many women that are "hot" but after some time around them, they become less attractive because they lack feminine behavior. But they remain "hot" and few men would pass up banging them.

The closest I've seen to explaining this concept is the difference between a woman's sexual/marriage market value (SMV and her MMV). But it's not exact, and SP is right. We need another word.

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