Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Trump Night (NSFW)

Unlike most people, I'm not an enthusiastic cheerleader for Trump. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot about him that I like, it's just that I don't think he is THE ONE. I get the impression that apart from a few popularist positions and slogans there isn't much political substance behind him. Still, I admire him for the way he has handled the media, and the way he has damaged the GOP establishmen and the way he has shifted the Overton window on issues such as immigration and job protection, something which seemed distant but a year ago. Perhaps his greatest legacy will be that he has energised the Middle American Radicals, a group that has till now been pretty apathetic, where this goes, I don't know, but there's change in the wind.

He's had a good night tonight and I've enjoyed watching the GOP flail with impotence at him. It's been the most entertaining politics in ages. Meanwhile over at Megyn's.......

(Great political art. I'm sorry I don't know who the artist is, but I tip my hat to you sir!)


  1. I agree with your views on Trump.

    One thing I think you don't give enough credit to: Trump has smashed the media complex single handed. His ads on Hillary show what can be done when one dares talk about the taboo. He is the new Drudge. The convo, America itself, has forever changed. We are in the 1930's again. Violence, depression, class and race politics. I say, pack heat like Donald and bring it on. Half the US will be on the dole soon, and the smart money doesn't fight city hall. He gets on the dole bandwagon and sits poolside...

  2. I agree with MK above and you, doctor, although as you both know I'm much less enamored of Trump, to say the least. Still, credit where it's due: Trump is perhaps the greatest demogogue in American history, superior to Joe McCArthy even. He's been playing the public and media like a violin. However, I'm afraid that his supporters are going to learn too late La Rochefoucauld's profound maxim, that some men would be less dangerous if they did not have some good in them.

  3. Anonymous4:31 pm

    Why do you call yourself a Catholic and yet put pornographic pictures on your site. Innumerable souls will suffer eternal torments because they took pleasure in such things. If the heroes of the Holy Faith such as St. King Louis IX, Philip II, General Franco &c governed society today they would give the drawers of pornographic pictures what they have coming to them, which is to say they would be given a trial, found guilty and thereafter be stood up against a wall and shot like the filthy disgusting human excrement that they are. God's wrath will soon crush the filthy worthless western countries, already is He giving them into the hands of their enemies. The apostate scum who thought they could mock the Almighty with their contraception, abortion and general depravity are learning that sin is its own punishment as they are overrun by those who hate them and find their weakened effete degenerate selves unable to resist. Our Lord Jesus Christ will use Russia as His instrument as He used the Roman Empire, both to smash the insolent nations which oppose Him,(one thinks of the second Psalm and the Gospel of St. Luke 19:27.) and later to extend His Kingship over the entire world. May His Holy Will soon be accomplished.

  4. Jason5:00 pm

    Perhaps I shouldn't say that you and mk are enamored of trump doctor ; maybe you both sply admire him somewhat.

  5. @Mk

    I agree, Trump's dealings with the media have been, quite simply, glorious and exemplary. He deserves full credit for doing what he has done and shifting the Overton Window.


    I'm not sure the Trump is playing the "public". I don't think most commentators fully understand the depth of contempt the public has for what goes for "respectable" opinion. Trump has taken on their voice, and he is winning the field not because of his ideas but because his ideas are what the public is already thinking. If Trump were to start advocating open borders or continuing "free trade" his supporters would drop him like a rock no matter the force of his personality. His success needs to be seen more as result of the public's disgust with the pre-existing establishment than any virtue of Trump's

    More telling than Trump's success is Rubio's failure. Rubio clearly identified himself as the "establishment" candidate. His political failure in Florida, needs more explanation than Trump's success. The fact that his polling was so poor says more about the peoples opinion of the official Republican Establishment rather than Trump's success.

    And you're right, I admire him in some areas and not on others. His handling of the media is superb, his personal life, on the other hand is a mess, and his lack of diplomacy is concerning and his policies vague. He is the least worst candidate in my opinion. He is however entertaining.


    Thank you for your concern of my soul. BTW, Franco's integralism did nothing to ensure a legacy of Catholicism in Spain. Faith needs to be an accepted proposition, not an state imposed position.

  6. Anonymous4:14 am

    It wasn't General Franco who failed but rather the traitors who succeeded him. They are the ones who imposed liberal policies, "free elections", separation of Church and state, the abolition of censorship so that the sewage from the apostate countries in the form of music, cinema and television programmes could flow freely into Spain and corrupt the youth ad nauseam. While it is true that the Faith cannot be imposed by force a Catholic country has nevertheless the right to protect itself from the contagion of heresy and apostasy, by force if necessary. The heroes of the Holy Inquisition accomplished this quite well in Spain in former times. It is telling that the rot of Protestantism took root in those countries which had no Inquisitors to speak of, whilst Spain and Portugal remained entirely free of the vile spiritual pestilence. It is the same thing as quarantining those who have been infected with the plague rather than letting them go amongst the people to sow suffering and death. How much more should that which kills not the body which must perish anyway, but rather the soul be extirpated. Likewise can one keep a flock of sheep without guarding them against predators? That is exactly what Liberalism proposes, and understandably so as it is the human wolves and ultimately their master the devil who originated such a pernicious doctrine. As for Mr. Trump, the people of the United States had better not get their hopes up as there is no political solution to a spiritual problem. A country which grants a "right" to murderous whores to do away with their own children whilst protecting and glorifying sodomites is doomed, no matter how much money it has. Carthage also was immensely wealthy. Where is it today? The Romans left nothing but empty fields ploughed with salt. God did not let the Carthaginian sacrifices to moloch go unpunished. Russia is Rome to the apostate west's Carthage. May God save those who are His.

  7. The media cannot be played to the tune of giving someone they dislike hundreds of millions of dollars of free advertising. I smell a rat and I'm afraid this is not going to end well.
