Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spread the word.

The American College of Pediatricians has released a position statement on gender ideology and children. Titled, Gender Ideology Harms Children,  it's highly critical of the whole thing and it's highly unlikely that any of the mainstream media will report on it.  I imagine that SJW's will be baying for the signatories blood and soon they will be demoted or lose their jobs.

I think it's important that stuff like this gets circulated within the alternative media for a whole variety of reasons. Spread the word.


  1. "Facts – not ideology – determine reality."

    Well that there just about sums it up.

  2. Just as a note, the "American College of Pediatricians" is an explicitly conservative group that is distinct from the larger "American Academy of Pediatrics."

    Now, many know the research in the "research-based position" of the AAP is likely contrived and manipulated.

  3. SJWs were all over this like a cheap suit: "Hate Group Masquerading As Pediatricians Attacks Transgender Youth"

  4. Mike T10:55 am

    This is admittedly a bit of a threadjack, but I would be interested in seeing you do a follow up to your post on the Alt-Right vs Neoreaction. It didn't seem to reference many particular examples to illustrate what you mean by Alt-Right. When I think Alt-Right, I think mainly Mike Cernovich, Vox Day and Milo Yiannopoulos. I'd be curious to know who you were referencing.
