Thursday, September 14, 2017

Comment Du Jour.

Posting's been light because of a variety of reasons, particularly Writer's Block. Still I saw a comment today over at Vox's blog which I felt was worth reposting.

The German National Socialists of the 1930s could only have emerged from the Weimar era - in other words, from a thoroughly pozzed and degenerate environment. That’s why they had so much degeneracy within their ranks, in spite of their public opposition to much of it. The Nazis were not a traditionalist movement, and they were not a Western movement. They were not pro-European, but were German chauvinists, at the expense of many other European ethnic groups. They were not pro-Christian, but were either outright pagans or embraced heretical versions of Christianity such as Alfred Rosenberg’s gnostic-Catharist ideas. Lastly, they were not truly based upon the Greco-Roman tradition and Western history, but upon a dubious, revisionist version of European history that was cooked up by the Ahnenerbe in order to be used as propaganda, a kind of Tacitus-inspired We Wuz Kangz pseudohistory which even Hitler found embarrassing, and wished that Himmler would knock it off already.

See the whole thing here.

I think that the important point to consider here is that reaction to degeneracy can sometimes happen within the spirit of degeneracy. Genocide is not the morally wholesome solution to whoredom.

The Marxist-Lenninsts regard Fascism as form of bourgeois reaction. That is their frame, it is how they like to position their argument as it emphasises the difference between the two, but I think it is far better to think of Socialism as Left Modernism and Fascism as being Right Modernism. With Left and Right being dispositional/temperamental distinctions. They might be different teams but they're both playing the same game.


  1. The German National Socialists of the 1930s could only have emerged from the Weimar era - thoroughly pozzed and degenerate

    My question? Why, oh why, can't people stop talking about Nazis? A full generation after the dust from the bones of Nazis are long gone? Hell, they only lasted a decade (33-45). I can't think of anything less applicable to modern times, or more boring.

    My theory? Nazis are the only vanquished enemy everyone agrees was evil, left, right, young, old. A nice moral scapegoat to point and sputter about. Especially when trying to ignore, minimize, distract, or apologize for one's own evil generation...

  2. @MK

    Why, oh why, can't people stop talking about Nazis?

    Firstly, the ideology still has a lot of allure for many of those who are sympathetic to the Right and yet are cognitively lite. A study of it is worthwhile if only to understand how an ideology of the Left can "dress itself up" to look like the Right.

    Secondly, Understanding where Nazism fits in the political axis tells a lot about that person's understanding of philosophy and Christian morality. Those who bless the Devil are either stupid or his children.

  3. Anonymous5:11 am

    Lastly, they were not truly based upon the Greco-Roman tradition and Western history. . .

    The word "based" is loaded here. They were no more or less "based" on Greco-Roman tradition and Western history than many another European regimes and movements were. And who says Greco-Roman defines the West anyway? That Nazism, or the Celts, or Luddites, or Presbyterians, or nudists aren't just as much a part of Western history as the Greeks and Romans? He doesn't really say why the Nazis are so out of the realm of Western history except to say that they pushed a somewhat untrue version of history, LIKE EVERY OTHER COUNTRY AND MOVEMENT IN THE WEST AND THE WORLD.

    Whether or not the Nazis were part of Western tradition is basically irrelevant, the question is kin to the laughable conservative efforts to show that the Nazis were really left-wingers and that (queue nasal whine) "the Democrats are the REAL racists." (They're virulently racist alright, they're racist against white people, but conservative are too gutless to say that.) At best it's a kowtowing to public opinion at the expense of truth, at worst it's groveling before your enemies. Day is clearly trying to dodge the wave of censorship that's going on right now, by a courageous denunciation of, golly, the Nazis. Not that he isn't correct, they're idiots, but this is about his and the rights relationship to Master, not history.

    Genocide is not the morally wholesome solution to whoredom.

    True enough, but the question is what is the morally wholesome solution to genocide? We're the victims of world-wide, coordinated, genocide right now. That's what we should be concerned with, not virtue signalling to either the general public or those forces that are actually engaged in exterminating us. Whoredom is not a workable or morally wholesome solution to that genocide. We've tried it.

  4. Day is clearly trying to dodge the wave of censorship that's going on right now, by a courageous denunciation of, golly, the Nazis.

    I don't think so. Day just loves to fight & to be obnoxious. Getting banned makes his day; he would enjoy defending Nazis to get everyone sputtering (as he does when attacking to human evolution types...all the while chuckling at the DNA data of proto-humans). But modern Nazis? Vox is too elitist for that and would definitely want to distance himself from such low-IQ losers. Like Dreher & Trump voters :-). Nothing worse than getting lumped in with idiots for someone as vain as Vox or Dreher...

  5. @Anon

    Whether or not the Nazis were part of Western tradition is basically irrelevant, the question is kin to the laughable conservative efforts to show that the Nazis were really left-wingers

    Anon, you're clearly new here. They were definitely the spawn of the Left. Read up on Gregor's Marxism, Fascism and Totalitarianism and get yourself an education..

    True enough, but the question is what is the morally wholesome solution to genocide?


    That's what we should be concerned with, not virtue signalling to either the general public or those forces that are actually engaged in exterminating us

    I don't know if you work for the FBI or what, but there are a lot of us on the Right who aren't playing into the Left's frame and actually do find Nazi's objectionable from our perspective. Why provocateurs like yourself keep pushing the idea that attacking the Nazi's is virtue signalling to the Left, I can only understand to be motivated by the desire to destroy whatever sensible Right there is out there.

    Just because they call me a Nazi does not mean I'm gonna take on the Nazi cause, if they called you a homo would you bend over?


    I don't agree with a lot of what Vox says but he is one of the few at the moment fighting against the pseudo-Right. THAT is the existential fight of the moment. The Dissident Right has to be purged of both the Natsoc and NeoCon elements.
