Monday, May 16, 2016


Just a couple of interesting things I found on my blog travels this week.

Firstly, a good YouTube video by Black Pigeon on the subject of the negative effects of multiculturalism.

Unlike the usual slouch towards and trying to establish a racial hierarchy, Black Pigeon avoids the subject all together and simply concentrates on the societal problems of highly diverse populations groups. Bit long but worth a view.

Brett Stevens put up a very good post which I felt dealt with the subject of racial diversity quite well.
In the South — otherwise known as the part of North America with culture and honor — we settled this by having separate neighborhoods. Whites live in one place, Africans another, Mexicans another still, and Asians somewhere else. Balance is maintained because each group rules itself.

I always offer up the question: if you are African-American, and you get pulled over by a police officer, what type of face do you want to see? The answer is African-American. Same as whites want to see white police officers, Hispanics a Hispanic police officer, and Asians a (rare, but committed when it does occur) Asian police officer.

The fact is, that if we have control over our own communities, we are not enemies but distant friends. I like the “distant friends” idea because it enables me to enjoy people without insisting they be like me. White standards work for white people… for others, well, who knows — it’s up to them.
I'm not sure that the South "worked". To quote Roissy, Proximity and Diversity= War and even though there was state enforced segregation, the reality of running it resulted in a festering social wound. Still, what I like about Steven's article is that it doesn't aim at racial supremacism but simply the recognition that groups are different and that we can like people from other races whilst still wanting ethnic homogeneity.

Unlike most bloggers on the subject of the negative effects of multiculturalism, my criticism of it is not based upon racial superiority lines, rather its based upon an understanding of human nature and its hard wired cognitive biases for ingroup/outgroup distinctions. 

On the subject of the Alt-Right, West Coast Reactionaries have put up a fantastic post with lots of links expressing concern with the direction it is taking.
The reason why it is important to consider how the Alt. Right is being seen by the outside world is because what the outside world will see depends on who is being the loudest. And going by how increasing numbers of outsiders are viewing the Alt. Right, it is not looking good.
It is not all “just a joke”; there are various spheres which comprise the Alt. Right, and some may lean towards irony and the like more than others, of course, but the network in its totality is coming to only represent such spheres. Do not get me wrong, there will always be hardline intellectuals in any community of this sort, but ordinarily they exercise a deal of influence and prevent their community from moving beyond their confines. However, the Alt. Right is growing in size rather exponentially due to the Trump phenomenon and the migrant crisis in Europe, thus it is impossible to maintain a single orthodoxy over the masses of anti-SJW teenagers.
Andy Nowicki also puts up a good post dealing on the subject (bit long though) but worth listening to. The smarter guys seem to recognise that the dissident Right can't be a "big tent" which takes in everyone who opposes the left.


  1. Anonymous1:46 pm

    Sigh. Still at it? You've been banging on about how icky you think racism for quite some time now.

    Sorry that your precious vision of the Right isn't more popular or dynamic.

    Here's something for you to consider: Maybe those of us who don't live on an all-white island know better than you do on this issue.

  2. In the example of the American South, the blacks were denied any legal protections based solely on race alone (look up Dred Scott v. Sandford when you have the chance). Despite that, they managed to overthrow their white oppressors--of course, not without outside help, but still they could have resigned themselves to despair.

    I'm not a civil rights "ally" or an admirer of blacks by any means. But I am just pointing out that a racial divide built upon sin and injustice cannot stand forever. It's politically incorrect to say this to the Alt-Right but the South fought tooth and nail to keep the black man in chains--all this talk about "state's rights" is just as dishonest a euphemism as abortion being "a woman's right to choose."

    I reject the notion that Diversity + Proximity = War, albeit with qualification. Yes, it is true that if you place mixed groups together, it is highly likely that conflict, even bloody conflict, will occur. But the initial mixing does not occur in a vacuum. Group B violently mingles and predates upon Group A due to the former exploiting an opportunity. What the more virulent white nationalists need to get through their heads is that while white, Western man is Group A right now, they used to be Group B.

    That Western man had some inherent advantage over the rest of the world does not excuse them when they treat the rest of the world like shit. King David had divine status, authority and power over the gentile Uriah, but that didn't justify David's adultery and murder. As Prophet Nathan pointed out, it only made it worse.

  3. I'm not a civil rights "ally" or an admirer of blacks by any means. But I am just pointing out that a racial divide built upon sin and injustice cannot stand forever. It's politically incorrect to say this to the Alt-Right but the South fought tooth and nail to keep the black man in chains--all this talk about "state's rights" is just as dishonest a euphemism as abortion being "a woman's right to choose."

    Agree. There were deep problems with the South that were manifestly unjust.

    Jesse Owens being a case in point.

    A conservatism which tried to defend THAT state of affairs was manifestly unjust. It was a festering wound which liberals latched onto to give them legitimacy for their other hair-brained policies.

  4. Anonymous2:07 am

    Oh, poor suffering Jesse Owens! How terrible that that fast runner was treated so terribly! What a mark of shame on the White South!

    Save it, cuck. What the so-called hateful racists knew was that when they opened the equality door to the talented tenth like Jesse Owens, the entire black population would walk through it.

    They further knew that the integration of blacks into white society would degrade the quality of their society, the safety of their family & hurt their own group's interests.

    Those were ugly calculations, but history has proved them accurate. Get off White Island sometime & go to the current Anerican south & see how long your pristine morality lasts, cuck.

    I will also note that every tribe on the globe makes ugly calculations like that constantly. But only northwest Europeans who live unaffected by diversity ever feel guilty about it.

  5. @Anon

    Get off White Island sometime & go to the current Anerican south & see how long your pristine morality lasts, cuck.

    I spent a little time in the South.

    Do unto others as you would have done unto you.
